Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Flappy Bird Story

Game over for Flappy Bird
Yes, we have all heard of what happened with Flappy Bird.

The creator of Flappy Bird Nguyen Ha Dong from Vietnam has developed this app and after some time it went really viral. Everyone was downloading Flappy Bird like crazy and in no time it was making $50.000 a day for his owner, only from Admob ad's. 

That is insane, you would say and you would be 100% right about.

It became so popular, so quickly than his owner decided to take it down.
He said he wanted to have just a simple life and it was too much for him. I am not sure how can it be too much making money with the game you have developed for android and iPhone, but we are all different and we have different ideas about success.

I would have kept Flappy Bird in the stores and let it make as much money as possible and after you can expand your business and create more and more successful apps. Well, it did not happen. 

Flappy Bird was taken down from the App Store and from Google Play as well. 
Shortly after hundreds of developers started to make clones of Flappy Bird. Now we have Flappy Dogs, Flappy Fish, Flappy Crocodile, Flappy Chicken and so on. The list is endless. Everyone wants to bank on this app big time. 

The ones realized this opportunity early, they made big bucks just in a few days. Those Flappy Bird clones were flying up on the Google Play and Apple App Store charts in no time. Bringing in millions of downloads and probably hundreds of thousands of dollars for the owners.

It did not take long, but Apple and Google are after all Flappy Clones and taking them down one by one from their stores.

So now it is only a matter of time and all the Flappy clones will be out of the app stores.

Here is my personal favorite, Flappy Crocodile.

You can download it from the Amazon App Store:

 Flappy Crocodile
or directly from our server, here.